
Hello! My name is Kat, and I am a beginner 3D artist. I have only just started using Maya and ZBrush a couple months ago, but I am steadily improving! A lot of the work I am going to show may be rough, but hopefully I will continue to improve. I will update this site as I go along.

My end goal is to work in the video game industry as a 3D Modeling Artist, though I am still deciding on what kind of models I want to make. So far, I feel more inclined to making props, characters, and maybe environments once I learn about it on my own time or school. For now though, I am just trying to still figure out the basics.

Things I aim to improve upon:

  • Anatomy
  • Cleaning up models
  • Trying to better reference concept art by eye (nothing off model)

Itch.io: Kat – itch.io

ArtStation: ArtStation – Katherine Miller